Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Houston Mayor Pastors and Christians!

While serving as a Youth Pastor in the 1990's I remember a fellow Youth Pastor used a drama during a weekend lock-in that got more attention than he first thought it would. During the evening Worship Service for this event he had armed people storm the worship service and take him out in handcuffs. Why? He was showing the teenagers and adults what could easily happen in America if we Christians did not wake up to the trends that were developing. This Youth Pastor was labeled a radical nut and public opinion from his own church and others followed those lines. In fact, I was instructed by our Pastor to NEVER try something like that with our people.

Today, such a skit is ill advised due to the shootings that have taken place in churches. But the message of this Youth Pastor was indeed spot on. Adults in the early 90's did not see coming what now has arrived. The following article describes the first in America shakedown and intimidation of preachers.

What should we do?

1. Every Pastor needs to stand with these men.  We cannot coward from this moment. Nor should these men fight this fight alone.

2. Every Christian in America needs to join in this fight. Your spiritual lives are being threatened.

3.  We need to fight and stand in a Christian manner. This is not a time to go off on tangents. Passion is needed. But controlled passion will show the real nature and character of Christ in this battle. We need people to see Christians stand in a Christian manner thus showing them the message of salvation found in Jesus.

4.  We need not politicize this moment. Certainly the Mayor of Houston is doing just that. But should we join in his methods the real message of the issue at hand will be lost.

5.  Pastors everywhere need to educate their people on what is taking place. This education must be delivered with a passion for heaven sent revival among ourselves. We have trusted in the "American" system and history for far too long. Apathy is present in American Christianity and we need to once again beg people to cry out to God for revival.

6.  Pastors must continue to preach showing no fear. But our preaching must be Biblical, including love for all and desiring all to be saved. Hate speech and emotional rants are not found in the Bible nor should they come from us Pastors.

7.  We must fervently pray! And then fervently pray more!

America has changed and is changing. We may lose more freedoms than we ever dreamed. We may be able to prevent the loss of many freedoms. But more important than that, are the lives entrusted to each of us Pastors to teach, preach, and disciple with the Truths of God's Word.   And it is here that we are being called to faithfulness. Children and adults in other parts of the world are standing for Christ to the point of death!

What will we do?

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